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With a special permit: Carol bridge passes first cargo ship

by Mayra

With a special permit: Carol bridge passes first cargo ship

Economic ship traffic with restrictions possible again

According to the city of Dresden, the city of Dresden will regularly be possible with restrictions on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the passage for economic shipping traffic – from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. upstream and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The passage is only possible in one direction, individually, without passengers and after prior registration.

The directional restrictions are necessary due to the narrowed hand in the area of ​​the Carol Bridge. Until further notice, the regulation only applies to freight traffic and, provided that the bridge trains are not deteriorated in terms of condition. The area under the Carol Bridge remains closed for passenger and leisure shipping.

Meaning of the collapse of the bridge for the Czech Republic

The Elbe is the only access of the Czech Republic to the sea. The partial fall of the Carol Bridge and the subsequent blocking of the Elbe had far -reaching consequences for the neighboring country: important goods that can only be transported on the waterway did not get into the country or could not leave the country towards the North Sea. On Thursday, the Transport Minister of the Czech Republic, Martin Kupka, visited Dresden to get an idea of ​​the dismantling of the Carol Bridge on site.

With a special permit: Carol bridge passes first cargo ship


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With a special permit: Carol bridge passes first cargo ship

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