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IBES 2025: Day 10 in the jungle

by Mayra

IBES 2025: Day 10 in the jungle

Koc went into the jungle with the victory at “Celebrity Big Brother”, took part in the “Bachelor”, sought her great love at “Make Love, Fake Love”, was familiar with a larger audience – and was nevertheless mercilessly selected, one day after the very sober ex-teeth fighter Jürgen hinged.

The question now arises: what was it? The answer is clear: Even the “Celebrity Big Brother” winner crown is not an indication of going into the race as a favorite. Koc and the actress Nina Bott, who was chosen on Sunday, were simply too boring on the show, or in what RTL radiated. Because there other stars play the leading roles: Sam Dylan, who felt like you had to compete in every jungle test, actor Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss, who stands out against the fellow camper with his lively sayings and simply does not put up with anything. Or Edith Stehfest, who is sometimes annoying and emulates her husband Chris Stehfest from last year.

But: You get a broadcast time, you ensure that the audience continues to see, talk about the jungle tests in the office and diligently comment on social media. KOC is likely to have hoped for the social media effect, after all she comes to almost 930,000 followers on Instagram. If they had called everyone, she would probably not have flown out and would have had a good chance of the final. But the jungle is not a social media phenomenon, fortunately-fortunately-does not count here, but only the entertainment. This distinguishes “Celebrity Big Brother” from the jungle camp.

Lilly Becker, the ex-wife of tennis legend Boris Becker, “only” comes to 140,000 followers on Instagram-but should always be at the forefront in the telephone votes. Because she draws attention to herself, does not withdraw, hand over if it has to be, criticizes the candidates, but also praises. And don’t just do your thing.

When Nina Bott moved out on Sunday evening, the bizarre scene took place that Bott couldn’t believe her luck. “I can really go?” She asked and was visibly happy and relieved. Therefore, the extract of KOC and Bott is not worth mentioning. The bores are out, that’s a good thing. Now the crucial week in the fight for the crown is going. Langweiler are really out of place.

IBES 2025: Day 10 in the jungle


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IBES 2025: Day 10 in the jungle

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