How the Wahl-O-Mat is created |
On Thursday, the Wahl-O-Mat goes online for the Bundestag election 2025. Who is behind it? What does he bring? And who chooses the questions? An overview.
What is the Wahl-O-Mat?
The Wahl-O-Mat is a question-and-answer tool that compares the political positions of all parties that compete for election. 38 theses on current political issues can be answered with “voice”, “do not agree”, “neutral” or “skipping”.
The theses were answered in the Wahl-O-Mat for the Bundestag election by all 29 parties who are on the ballot papers in at least one state with a country list. In this way, users can compare their own opinion with the positions of the respective parties.
In addition, the parties provide a brief reason for their answer to explain their point of view. With fine tuning you can still state which topics should have a stronger weighting. The Wahl-O-Mat calculates how great approval with the parties is.
Who is behind the Wahl-O-Mat?
According to its own statements, the Wahl-O-Mat is one of the most successful offers from the Federal Center for Political Education. Since its introduction in 2002, the Wahl-O-Mat has been used more than 130 million times for almost all European, state and state elections.
The theses are created by a team consisting of 20 to 25 young voters between the ages of 18 and 26. Three months before the election, the team meets several workshops and develops around 80 to 100 theses. These are based on the election programs and programmatic statements by the parties.
After all the theses were answered and justified by the parties, the team is committed to the 38 theses that take up the most important topics of the election, were controversial by the parties and cover the broadest possible thematic spectrum.
They are supported by experts from science, statistics and educators as well as those responsible for the state headquarters for political education.
What does the Wahl-O-Mat bring?
The Federal Center expressly points out that the Wahl-O-Mat is not an election recommendation, but is only an information offer. A survey by the Federal Center for Political Education among users supports this.
The evaluation came out: More than 90 percent of users have a clear position for their election decision before use. Most of the respondents stated that they would check their position with the Wahl-O-Mat and clearly recognize the differences between the parties.
60 percent of Wahl-O-Mat users would be motivated to further find out more. In state elections, three quarters of users become aware of state -political issues. In addition, 85 percent of users stated that they would enjoy the Wahl-O-Mat.
When is the Wahl-O-Mat for the Bundestag election?
The Wahl-O-Mat for the Bundestag election starts on Thursday, February 6th. is the media partner of the Wahl-O-Mat of the Federal Center for Political Education and will also provide it. In addition, all parties for election are included presented with their respective program focuses. The election programs of the largest parties are compared in detail using large subject areas.
How the Wahl-O-Mat is created |
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How the Wahl-O-Mat is created |