Exclusive preview! Does Anna-Carina Woitschak break off the jungle test?
Tearful jungle preview
Are Anna-Carina Woitschack and Pierre Sanoussi bliss swim in this exam?
Should you go back better afterwards?
The stars have decided: Anna-Carina Woitschak (32) and Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss (62) have to compete for the jungle test “diving under”. And – as the name suggests – it has to do with water and tightness. And that is nothing for Anna-Carina! You can see the first pictures of the jungle test in the video above.
Jan Köppen and Sonja Zietlow give Anna-Carina a second chance
Anna-Carina climbs into an underground channel that is filled with water to the edge. Before the flap is closed and the test starts, the pop singer suddenly panic, starts crying. “I don’t think I can. I’m already afraid! “
Pierre tries to comfort and build her: “Of course you do that! You make it easy. “ But the pop singer gets out of the water tank again, falling in Pierres arms. Is the test over with it? Not quite, because Pierre and Anna -Carina get a second chance – but do they use them?
Streaming tip: Past seasons of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” can be seen on RTL+ at any time
All video highlights for the jungle camp here in the playlist
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Enjoy the jungle camp fun on TV and on RTL+
The jungle camp has been running daily at 8:15 p.m. since January 24th. In parallel to TV broadcast, there is of course fun in the live stream on RTL+. Otherwise there is On RTL+ also past seasons of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” To stream.
“I’m a star – get me out of here!” is broadcast with live subtitles. The service on linear TV via the STTL button on remote controls (via DVB) is available. (HBO/SLI)
Exclusive preview! Does Anna-Carina Woitschak break off the jungle test?
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Exclusive preview! Does Anna-Carina Woitschak break off the jungle test?