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CDU: surprise! AKK stands behind Friedrich Merz | policy

by Mayra

CDU: surprise! AKK stands behind Friedrich Merz | policy

ACC hammer at the start of the CDU party conference!

Long has the CDU None of her ex-chair Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (“AKK”) belongs. But at the start of the party conference, the Saarlander caused a blast. It is now known that AKK has declared its resignation from all functions and offices in the Central Committee of Catholics (ZDK).

Explosive: AKK justifies your resignation with the attitude of the ZDK to the migration debate. She sees “no more basis for further cooperation,” it says. Therefore, they end their membership “with immediate effect”.

Merz at the CDU party conference: “We will win this choice!”

Source: WORLD

ZDK President Irme Stetter-Karp (69) had previously sharply criticized the Union’s applications to limit illegal migration as a “impairment of political culture”.

Why this is such a blast

AKK is one of the most distinguished Catholics of the party. In ZDK, she headed the factual area 6 “Sustainable Development and Global Responsibility”. Until now!

The former CDU leader and confidante of former Chancellor Angela Merkel Obviously fully has the channel because the ZDK in the migration debate stood so clearly on the SPD and the Greens. This is otherwise only used by the Protestant Church in the party.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (62) and Angela Merkel (70) together in 2019

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (62) and Angela Merkel (70) together in 2019

Photo: Alexander Becher/Epa-Fe/Rex

With her bang, AKK not only decides itself behind CDU boss Friedrich Merz (69)-but also against Merkel, who argued similar to the ZDK.

At the CDU party conference: Söder calculates with the government

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Source: WORLD

AKK had drawn the anger of the Chancellor at the time shortly after the CDU chairmanship of Merkel. Because at that time she invited to a conference on the subject of migration to the Adenauer House, promised in front of running cameras that there should never be any such loss of control at the limits as in 2015.

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Photo: Liesa Johannsen/Reuters

Merkel found this as an affront and turned away from her. Akks exit from the central committee can also give her a small comeback in the party.

CDU: surprise! AKK stands behind Friedrich Merz | policy


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CDU: surprise! AKK stands behind Friedrich Merz | policy

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